Comments on: A Grammar Outline experiences, resources and advice from a Waldorf teacher on the journey Mon, 01 May 2017 05:06:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: meredith Sun, 27 Feb 2011 17:56:03 +0000 In reply to Heidi.

Thanks so much for sharing this! I can’t wait to check out that resource. There is definitely a lack of comprehensive grammar materials out there. I found diagramming sentences to be fun and it made language so much more clear. I can’t wait to do it with my students next year. I’ll have to check out your resource. The heavily Christian angle won’t work for me but I’d love to see something that comes so highly recommended.

By: Heidi Sun, 27 Feb 2011 17:48:39 +0000 I have found the same thing. Grammar was non-existent in my schooling years. I have little prior knowledge to draw from. I homeschooled using Steiner’s indications for the last 25 years. I am currently heading into teaching more advanced grammar to my daughter. I just bought a book called “Our Mother Tongue,” by Nancy Wilson. This is a complete overview of grammar plus diagramming. It is not a Waldorf resource (heavily Christian) but I thought I would work through it and then “enliven” it for my daughter. Out of all the books I have read on this subject this is the most comprehensive and accessible.

By: meredith Tue, 18 Jan 2011 14:33:20 +0000 In reply to Leigh Ann.

Thanks for the comment, Leigh Ann. How great that you have the courage to do your own thing regarding home-schooling. Having done it for a time I know that it can be a little scary to know if you’re doing everything you should be doing. Great job. Keep up the good work.

By: Leigh Ann Tue, 18 Jan 2011 11:40:50 +0000 Thank you for this breakdown.Our family is just discovering Waldorf. My son is 8 yrs old and a homeschooled 2nd grader. He loves to write stories and read them to me. His spelling is awful, but he writes the words as they sound. He can easily reread the stories. I am saving this post, thank you. We are active in a homeschool group, but most of the families follow a traditional “boxed” curric, we do not. We are that family that does not let PS standards be ours. We want more for our children. Again thank you.
