There comes this point in every summer when I really start to look forward to school starting.
Sure, I can always use more time to prepare.
My classroom isn’t ready yet.
I’m still waiting for some supplies to arrive.
I am still quite enjoying my quiet mornings at home.
But I really can’t wait to see my students.
Being a Waldorf teacher is such an interesting experience. I feel like I have an amazingly strong connection with this fantastic group of children. During the school year I see these kids more than their own parents do. The parents and I are truly partners in caring for these kids and they are a huge part of my life. Just going through my daily life every one of them makes an appearance in my consciousness at one time or another.
Truly, they are my people.
Strange, then, that when summer comes we have such a break from each other! Sure, I’ve seen each one of them around town at least once, but that’s nothing like spending everyday, all day, with them.
I’m so looking forward to those days returning. I can’t wait to hear about their summer adventures, see how they’ve grown and changed, and figure out how to work with their new, more grown-up selves.
Summer is wonderful. I love having the time to breathe, spend more time with my family and give my home-life the attention it needs.
But I love school.
And I love my students.
And they are the reason September 7 can’t get here fast enough.
Hello Meridith! I attempted to order your 5th grade package (it looks great!), however, I am not sure I was successful. Would you let me know if I need to give it another try?
Thank you!
Blessings on your day,