I spent a good part of this weekend preparing for more geometry this week — I’ll certainly have some beautiful drawings to show for it as the week progresses.
One of the things I needed to pull together this weekend was a new poem for my class to speak together in the mornings. It was my good fortune, then, that our school recently received a few copies of a great new poetry book.
The Waldorf Book of Poetry is a fantastic resource full of poems to use in the Waldorf classroom. I can’t tell you how many hours I have spent poring through poetry books trying to find something appropriate to use with my students. Every time I do it I’ve thought that certainly countless Waldorf teachers before myself have spent the same hours trying to find just the right poem. David Kennedy has taken all that work and compiled it into one volume full of poems appropriate for all kinds of situations. Usually it’s pretty simple to find rhymes and poems to use with the younger grades but in this book I found poem after poem that was perfect for my sixth graders and even older students. I can’t recommend it enough!
I must get this out of the library, cheers Marie