School has started and all is well. Things are super-busy as my family and I rediscover our old rhythms and create new ones in our new home. I am loving my new class and enjoying all of the vibrant energy that is 4th grade. I have a classroom full of spirited vikings and we are having wonderful robust days together. I can hardly believe that tomorrow begins the final week of our Norse Mythology block.
We’ve done some wonderful work together and I hope to share more about that soon, but for now I’ll just share my chalkboard drawing of Yggdrasil. What fun it was to draw!
4th Class is so great:
Eine Esche, weiß ich, heißt Yggdrasil,
Den hohen Baum netzt weißer Nebel;
Davon kommt der Tau, der in die Täler fällt.
Immergrün steht er über Urds Brunnen…
I please me already to do it.
Nur noch zwei Jahre… Im Moment haben wir Formenzeichnen.
Many greetings
4th Class is so great:
Eine Esche, weiß ich, heißt Yggdrasil,
Den hohen Baum netzt weißer Nebel;
Davon kommt der Tau, der in die Täler fällt.
Immergrün steht er über Urds Brunnen…
I please me already to do it.
Just two more years … At the moment we form drawing.
Many greetings
Amazingly beautiful!