It’s the time of year when Waldorf teachers around the world are writing their end-of-year Waldorf reports.
Waldorf Reports
Though many of us try to limit screen time, during May and June many of us spend countless hours at our computers as we type away, searching for just the right turn of phrase to describe our students and their growth and development for the year.
In all honesty, I enjoy the process of summarizing my students’ work for the year. I like thinking about all of the things we’ve done this year and the activity of reflecting on how they have grown and matured (under my watchful guidance) is satisfying and confidence-inspiring.
Check out my 30-Days Till Summer Report Writing Challenge Ebook!
I do, though, worry about finding just the right words to do justice to the strides my students have made. And every year when I drop those reports in the mail, I worry that I’ve fallen short.
This year, though, I feel more in control of my report-writing than ever before. What did I do that made a difference?
- I wrote reports throughout the year. At the end of each block I wrote a summary and evaluation of each student’s work. This is a practice my school has in place for middle school and I’ve found it so satisfying that I think I’ll implement it even in the lower grades (if I ever end up going there.)
- I took some time to reflect before sitting down at the computer. I made some notes on each student during the last few weeks of school, warming them in my heart and mind before writing.
- I gathered some resources to help with the process.
My favorite one of these resources is the Keyword Document I’m sharing with you for free here. I scoured the Internet and made a collection of keywords that can be used in report-writing. It’s been perfect for those days when, for some reason, the words just aren’t flowing.
I hope you’ll download it and find it helpful!
If you’re looking for a little more motivation, my Report Writing Challenge Ebook could be just the thing. Last year it helped me get my reports done during the 30 days of June, so July 1 was summer time for me! This year I’m on-track to finish even earlier!
Does anyone use a program to help collate the reports to make it less laborious for the admin team at the end of the year?
Thank you,