How I Plan My Blocks | A Waldorf Journey Podcast, Episode #5
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At the beginning of this episode I talk about a recent interview that I heard with the founder of Patreon Jack Conte. I’m really inspired by the idea behind Patreon and I’d be so honored if you became a patron of A Waldorf Journey Podcast. You can do this by hitting this link.
Record-Keeping Post
I’m still thinking about record-keeping, which was the topic of the last podcast, and I wrote a blog post about putting together a record-keeping plan recently. In that post I included an email form and if you fill it out I will send you a sample of the Main Lesson Book Evaluation form that I used with my students in 5th grade. I think you’ll find the form really helpful. I’ve included the form in these shownotes, as well, so feel free to fill it out and I’ll get that sent off to you. (And if you’re already a subscriber of A Waldorf Journey, don’t worry, you won’t get duplicate content.)
Free Main Lesson Book Evaluation Form
Sign up to download this free main lesson book evaluation form. Customize it or use it as is with your own students this year!
Block Planning
In the rest of this episode I talk about the process I used to plan my Physics and Meteorology block. To make sure it’s helpful for more people, I keep it pretty general, not discussing specific content (well, not very much) but more about the process. Here are some links to things I talk about in the episode.
A Little History of the World by EM Gombrich
Golden Guide Weather by Paul E. Lehr
Waldorf Curriculum Planning E-Course
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