We’re having such a fun time with our current Physics block! This week’s main lessons included lots of water squirting everywhere. When you’re studying water pressure, it’s bound to happen, I suppose. I figure it’s a pretty memorable experience and completely appropriate for the topic at hand. Some students were a little disappointed that water inadvertently splattered onto their main lesson pages, but I told them they should get bonus credit for having water spots on their work for this block! It means they were involved and engaged with the material! (Most of them found a way to turn those spots into intentional looking puddles of water, so it all worked out.)
Waldorf Eighth Grade Physics Curriculum Guide
Check out my complete curriculum guide for this block, with six weeks of daily lesson content, tips, and inspiration.
Physics Main Lesson Book Pages
These kids have been pouring (hehe) so much care and attention into their main lesson book work, I wanted to share with you some of the fruits of their labors.
The eighth graders are at the point in their work that I don’t give them much direction on their pages. They know what I’m looking for and they’re free to use their own creativity. On very rare occasion I complete a sample page, but they get so many great ideas from each other, I don’t really need to. This is, I think, one of the advantages of a larger class. When I had fewer students, I had to work a bit harder to come up with the ideas. With this class I usually I just need to be clear about how much writing vs. illustration should be on the page, and that’s enough for them to run with.
Here are some examples . . .

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