Waldorf Electromagnetic Motor
Years ago, the first time I taught 8th grade, I attended the week-long summer intensive training The Art of Teaching 8th Grade at Rudolf Steiner College.
Those weeks are always a complete whirlwind! Desperate teachers, many of whom are still finishing their end of year reports, rush from class to class, frantically taking notes and trying to drink in as much information as they can so they’re prepared to teach the following year. We all know there is so much to teach and if we make the most of that week, our year will be so much easier!
Well, that year was particularly crazy because Mikko Bojarsky was teaching the science curriculum.
Remember that mild-mannered, somewhat kooky science teacher you loved in high school? That’s Mikko.
Mikko taught the bulk of the science curriculum during the day but he offered extra classes in the evening for teachers who wanted to make examples of some of the larger projects. We were so engaged with Mikko’s work that after we were dismissed from our last class at 9pm, we headed to the science lab to work with Mikko. We built motors, speakers and buzzers until 10:30 each night.

Mikko no longer teaches at Rudolf Steiner College, so I feel really lucky to have had that experience. He made me feel like I could teach this complicated curriculum and lead my students in creating those projects.
(By the way, I used Mikko’s book as my primary resource for my 8th grade physics block — you can see my outline here. I highly recommend all of his books — 7th Chemistry and Physics, 8th Chemistry and Physics — you can purchase them here.)
Note: I’ve now packaged up and put together a curriculum guide for Waldorf Eighth Grade Physics and Meteorology. I’m super-proud of it and I think you’ll find it really helpful!
So, when it came time to build motors with my students, I went to my 8th grade box of books to find the instructions. I couldn’t find them anywhere. Mikko is kind enough to publish his email address in the back of his books, so I sent him an email asking where I could find those instructions. (I also sent him a link to this blog and a post with some photos of work inspired by his curriculum resources.)

Mikko replied right away and sent me the instructions, complimented the blog and said he would love for me to share the instructions with all of you!
“The design for this motor is my gift to students everywhere, and I’d love as many children as possible to make it.”
What a great guy!
The easiest way for me to get you these instructions is for you to fill out the form below. Just pop your email address in the box and I’ll send it off to you right away. (This will put you on my updates email list. I don’t send updates very often — feel free to unsubscribe if you wish.)
Simple Electromagnetic Motor
Get Mikko Bojarsky's instructions for making a simple electromagnetic motor.
Please share this post with as many people as possible. I’d love to see lots of kids making these motors. And if you make one, send me a photo!
Here are some photos of the 8th graders at work. Make sure you watch the videos, too. So much fun!
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