As the school year winds to a close, all the teachers at my school are starting to think about next year. We’re looking at our new classrooms, making plans for summer trainings and ordering supplies.
Every year I find the supply ordering to be one of the most challenging tasks. It’s just so hard to get in the right frame of mind for the next school year when the current year hasn’t yet ended. But there are great discounts to be had if you order your supplies early, so it’s a good idea to make an effort to wrap your mind around it and make that order.
This episode is all about helping you figure out the supplies you might want to order to be ready for the next school year. It’s hard to cover all of the supplies you’ll need for 8 different grades, but I make a pretty good effort here.
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I’ve also written about the topic before. You can check out these posts for more information about supplies.
Previous Posts About Waldorf Supplies
Note: The links on this page and the pages linked below are mostly Amazon affiliate links. When click through my site and make your purchase Amazon gives me a little bonus. This doesn’t cost you anything extra and is a nice, easy way for you to support A Waldorf Journey.
My best resource is the list I put together that I link at the top of the page on the site. I get so many questions about supplies, I decided to put everything together in one place.
Waldorf Drawing Supplies Your Child Must Have — I wrote this during the summer before teaching 8th grade. Some of the supplies mentioned are better suited to the upper grades, but they’re worth checking out for younger students, too.
Waldorf Supplies for 4th Grade
Waldorf Supplies — A Fresh Look
Ordering Supplies — I wrote this post before my second time through 6th grade. I made some different choices that year than I did the third time through. The main difference was working in large main lesson books. I really liked the larger format but when I came to 6th grade again my new school had a tradition of working on loose paper and binding books together in 6th grade. I ended up liking the flexibility of this approach much more.
Places to Order Supplies
Finally, I mention in the episode a list that my colleague put together that goes through the grades and details all of the supplies you might want to have. This is a very comprehensive list. You certainly don’t need to have everything, but if you’ve got a little extra in your supply budget, this list can help you decide where to spend it.
Free Art Supplies List
This is a fantastic, very comprehensive list of the art supplies that are recommended throughout the grades. Entering your email address will also put you on the A Waldorf Journey updates list.
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