Comments on: Waldorf First Grade Math | The Quality of Numbers
experiences, resources and advice from a Waldorf teacher on the journeySun, 09 Jan 2022 08:27:41 +0000
By: Noa Wotton
Thu, 02 Nov 2017 04:38:41 +0000 reply to Giulietta Garland.
If you see Howard again soon, tell him I was tickled by how many stamps he put on his envelope… 🙂
By: Giulietta Garland
Mon, 30 Oct 2017 05:35:57 +0000 just saw Howard Schrager this evening and told him about your podcast (and encouraged him to try podcasting, as well!).
I also included fairy tales during the telling of King Maximo – there was always a wise woman, or a storyteller from King Maximo’s court, who would tell a fairy tale a couple of times per week. And, it’s also good to remember that if you don’t get to all of those stories, there will be more opportunities once you get into your second math block! No pressure!
I loved getting the Ugly Duckling and other Hans Christiaan Anderson stories into the first grade. And there is a wonderful collection of Swedish Fairy Tales that includes a fun story called The Seven Wishes.
I love how simple you made your mental math stories! Perfect.