I admit it.
I’ve been dragging my heels getting my seventh grade materials together.
Many of you have been asking for more resources and ideas for Waldorf grade seven and it’s taken me awhile to pull out my 7th grade files to see what I can share.
(Maybe there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to relive that year? Oh, it’s hard to be a 7th grader.)
Well, I finally got around to it and let me tell you, that’s a pretty fantastic year. The curriculum is just so rich!
I’ll get around to putting some of my block curriculum guides together soon, but for now, I’ve got a great little package with everything you need to start off the year.
There’s a TON of great stuff in this guide.
- A curriculum overview, with summaries of the 7th grade main lesson blocks
- Main Lesson Page tracker, with a rubric for giving your students feedback on their work
- My 7th grade honors project proposal
- a reading goals assignment
- two sample block evaluations, with a new, more quantitative approach
- a main lesson block student self-score sheet
- a behavior tracking chart
- a couple of sample font pages to inspire your students’ artistic work, and the Word document so you can create your own
- Seventh grade weekly schedule
- Seventh grade main lesson rhythm (including my thoughts about the how and why)
- Seventh grade block rotation (including thoughts about how to create one of your own)
- The Upper Grades morning verse, and my thoughts for enlivening it
Waldorf grade seven is pretty different than sixth. There were a lot of things I did differently to let my students know that I recognized they were ready for more rigorous content. They rose to the challenge and we ended up having a great year. (Even though they completely forgot I was there much of the time.)
8th Grade Project Guide
Finally, I debated about including my 8th grade project guide, but decided against it because there is just SO MUCH content already. Instead, if you’re interested in getting my 8th grade project guide (which we started planning for in the spring of 7th grade), with this guide you’ll get a coupon code for a 20% discount.
I swear, I wish I had all of these documents when I started teaching 7th grade. And I’m so glad I’ll have them to turn to when I make it back to the upper grades!
I hope you enjoy it. And keep your eye out for more. I’m working through 7th and 8th over the next few months!
7 Important Main Lesson Questions
Enter your email to get my Week in Review form based on the 7 questions Waldorf mentor Else Göttgens recommended every teacher ask themselves.
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