Since returning to school after spring break, I’ve been astonished at how much older the first graders seem! I’ve always noticed that my students begin to take on the qualities of the next grade in the spring, and that is true this year more than any other!
I’ve started doing a little bit of study about the second grader, so I can meet this new impulse (which, I have to say, has brought about some uncharacteristic moments of disharmony in my sweet group.)
Apparently disharmony is somewhat common in second grade. I’ve long-observed that the grades tend to alternate between years of equilibrium and disequilibrium, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to hear that we may be in for a rocky road in second grade. First grade has been so heavenly, I suppose we’re due.
One of my former colleagues characterized the 2nd grader as one of those characters from a Saturday morning cartoon that has an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. Sometimes the angel wins, other times it doesn’t. I’ve definitely seen that this spring!
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of wonderful things still happening in first grade, but we are having more conversations about the importance being willing to make mistakes and learn from them. The first graders had a chuckle when I asked them, “What can you do to help your friends make more mistakes?” I’m proud that we’ve come so far in creating a community of individuals who are supportive and understanding of each other as we learn and grow together. I guess it’s time to test it out a bit.
Tomorrow is our May Day celebration and the first graders are doing pretty well with their little song and dance. Spring has brought a lot of restless energy to our classroom and it’s definitely the time of year when everyone (weary teachers included) feels the length of the school year. As much as we love those warm, sunny days, we know that overcast skies keep us a little more focused. I guess this is one reason to be grateful for Portland’s “Junuary” weather.
This week we’re finishing up our math block and will head back into language arts for our final block of the year. I can’t believe the year is almost over! I’m feeling it, but doing my best to savor those goofy toothless grins right through the last day of school!
First Grade Skills
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