One of my big back-to-school goals this year was to stay caught up with putting together my Waldorf grade two curriculum materials. I’m so happy that this new Grade Two Basics guide is the first successful step in that direction!
I did a TON of prep this summer because, to be honest, 2nd grade has me a little freaked out! 2nd graders improve their skills by leaps and bounds over the course of the year — they’re hardly the same kids by the end of the year. I know that all of that progress falls squarely on MY shoulders.
I’m determined that my 2nd graders are going to feel so satisfied and make such progress this year. I knew that summer prep was the key to that success.
And though we’ve just started the year, I’m happy to say so far, so good!
Waldorf Grade Two Basics
Well, all of that work I did this summer is now put together in a nice little package for YOU!
If you’re teaching 2nd grade this year and you’re looking for a set of resources that will get you set for the year, this is it. It won’t do the work for you, but it will clearly lay out the work that needs to be done.
This is my most thorough Basics guide to date. It includes a VERY thorough manual for completing the traditional 2nd grade assessments. If you don’t have access to a remedial teacher to perform this developmental assessment with your students, this guide will really help you know what to observe and how to carry out the assessment. It even includes a worksheet and tools for interpreting the assessment.
Other than this, there are all of the usual things you’ll need to get the year off to a great start.
- A list of recommended resources and supplies
- A detailed 2nd grade block rotation
- An explanation of the block rotation, explaining why and how the year is arranged as it is.
- A 2nd grade main lesson rhythm. This rhythm outlines the flow of our daily lessons, including the songs, poems and verses that give it form.
- A document explaining the why and how behind the daily main lesson rhythm
- A sample back-to-school letter.
- Our 2nd grade weekly schedule.
- A collection of songs and verses to use throughout the year. These are the songs and verses that will stay consistent guideposts of your year, including the lower grades morning verse.
Stay tuned. I plan on releasing more 2nd grade guides soon. Grade Two Math #1 is first on the agenda — until then if you want to read a bit about our first math block, you can find info here and here.
Hi Meredith,
In your ad, you mention templates for writing 2nd grade assessment reports. This is what I need. I bought the package, but it ends with the manual for assessments, and no templates for report writing. Did I understand your ad correctly?
I have completed the assesments and must write the reports today, June 3, 2024.
Many thanks, Leni Covington Raleigh, North Carolina
Hi there, Leni. I think the guide you may have purchased the wrong item. I have a report-writing guide, but not something as formalized as a template. I do, though, have one of my 2nd grade reports anonymized and uploaded to my Google Drive. I’ll send you an email with the link. Hope it’s not too late!