Comments on: A Waldorf Journey Podcast | #35 A Story About Stories experiences, resources and advice from a Waldorf teacher on the journey Tue, 04 Jul 2023 16:22:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janice Schreiber-Poznik Wed, 20 Mar 2019 01:34:28 +0000 Yes! Sharing stories brings connection and a sense of belonging! Creating time for each child to share about their experience during the story sharing really empowers them! I told a story about my grandfather and father on the farm with horses and hay wagons. I was reliving my childhood days as I described the sights, sounds, chickens, freshly baked bread and more. The children were mesmerized and then I showed photos from the early 1900’s of my family. This all led to a saying, “He waved, jumped and landed on the ground.” This was to teach the three sounds of past tense -ed. My dad snuck on top of the huge hay pile on the wagon as my Grandfather drove the horses back to the barn. When he saw his mom he waved, jumped and landed on the ground. As they all walked back to the kitchen for the freshly baked bread and milk, I had them close their eyes and led them on a guided walk describing every detail with senses that I recalled from my childhood. Thank you!
