Comments on: Should I become a Waldorf teacher? experiences, resources and advice from a Waldorf teacher on the journey Sat, 13 Feb 2021 20:00:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mateo Tryllium Tue, 02 Apr 2019 19:30:32 +0000 In reply to Sara C..

^Hi Sarah^
we might have overlapped, I graduated in 2006. I came from Bellingham, Washington to Antioch New England and had an amazing experience. I did the Waldorf certificate, Masters in Ed, and NH state credential. It was a full plate, literally overflowing over the edge of the table into a puddle on the floor. A happy enriched puddle, but a puddle nonetheless. I actually spent my one free day a week working at the Brattleboro co-op. I really enjoyed my internships, one at a public school in Westminster Center, VT and the other in Pahoa, HI at the Malamalama Waldorf School. My hosting teacher in VT was super thrilled about Waldorf education and let me bring singing, dancing, art and poetry to my student teaching.

I took out student loans, which made it possible to do the program, but now I’m deeply in debt. Luckily I’m working at a public charter school and am enrolled in the student loan forgiveness program with the Dept of Ed. So after 10 years of making low payments, the rest of the debt will be eliminated. Not sure how much longer this program will be in effect, but its something to think about.
My biggest challenge has been struggling with this debt while watching schools pay for new teachers to get their training. If I could do it over, I would work at a school as an assistant or a middle school math teacher and after a couple of years take a teaching position and get the school to pay for my training.

All that being said, I wouldn’t trade in my vocation for anything. I LOVE what I do, and wake up every morning excited to come to school.

By: Sara C. Sun, 31 Mar 2019 23:53:22 +0000 I attended Antioch New England for Waldorf Teacher training. Antioch is a large university that offers many degree programs at the graduate level, with multiple locations around the country and can accept federal funds. You can apply for federal student loans (FAFSA) and grants and they can be applied to your Waldorf teaching education if you qualify. I had an educational stipend from Americorps and used it towards my Waldorf Teaching certificate. Antioch offers 3 major degree programs a Waldorf Teaching certificate only, Waldorf Teaching certificate with a Masters of Education and Waldorf Teaching certificate/Integrated Learning. They offer full time or year round one 1/2 year programs or a 3 year part time program.

I moved across the country from Oregon to New Hampshire to attend Antioch for the year round program. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I have been a Waldorf Teacher for 12 years now. It has been the toughest and most rewarding career of my life.

By: Sarah S Sat, 30 Mar 2019 17:27:13 +0000 Hello! I attended Waldorf Teacher Education, Eugene (WTEE) and loved it. The teachers are incredibly knowledgeable and they truly want you to leave the program ready to take on a class of your own.

It is a full-time program. I went for 2 years (there is an optional 3rd year, if you’d like to get the Grades AND EC trainings). I commuted from Portland to Eugene for the first year via bus/train. I was able to stay overnight for two nights a week. I did this to keep my job in Portland (they were very flexible with my hours) and so that my partner could finish his education at PSU.

After we graduated, we moved to Eugene for my second year of training. It would have been very difficult to not live in the area while finishing the second year, as the schedule is different and you are expected to spend 100 hours of volunteer service and observation. I started a cleaning business to pay for the schooling. They also have the opportunity for loan-to-grant through AWSNA.

I highly recommend the program and appreciate the faculty and staff at both WTEE and Eugene Waldorf School. I became very close with my cohort (which was very small) during our time together. Every one of us was offered a job once our program ended. And several of us are meeting up for a grades intensive training this summer. If you apply, tell them Sarah Beth sent you.

By: Katherine Arconati Sat, 30 Mar 2019 00:15:43 +0000 I went to the Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training in California. Even if you don’t end up becoming a teacher, the education was transformative and life changing. I now teach in Sydney where there there are masters programs in waldorf education as well.

By: Ashley Thu, 28 Mar 2019 18:34:26 +0000 I loved Gradalis teacher training, especially for the working teacher. Your fellow training students are almost all working teachers, which makes for great collaboration. Also, most or many of the teachers in the training were formerly public school teachers. (Or will be working in charters.)

By: Janis Thu, 28 Mar 2019 14:49:29 +0000 Hi,
You forgot Gradalis teacher training!!!! We are currently training teachers who are working. We are a combination of in person( 3 weeks in summer, Two long weekends in Fall and Spring, as well as, online webinars in the pedagogy and philosophy. Each block is taught in webinars by trained, experienced master teachers , prior to the block).

Also… You do not have to have a teaching credential to teach in all charters. Not in Arizona and other states. In California… Yes.
We have trained Waldorf teachers at our charter near Sedona.

We are looking for a first grade teacher at DESERT STAR , near Sedona.Why not have a posting for potential teachers… Where there are jobs. We are hosting a foundation training for Anthroposophical studies this next year.
We need a teacher!! Maybe you can help!!
We have a strong mentor program as well.
Janis Williams
