What is Waldorf teacher training like? That’s what this episode is all about.
I describe my own path to becoming a Waldorf teacher, as well as some of the pros and cons of Waldorf teaching.

For more information . . .
Read the blog post on which this podcast is based. There’s lots more information about the different kinds of teacher trainings and things to think about before deciding. Make sure you read the comments to read A Waldorf Journey readers’ thoughts about their teacher training experiences.
Download the Waldorf teaching cheat sheet. This checklist based on the 7 Questions You Should Ask About Every Lesson will help you make sure your lessons are interesting, inspiring and productive.
7 Important Main Lesson Questions
Enter your email to get my Week in Review form based on the 7 questions Waldorf mentor Else Göttgens recommended every teacher ask themselves.
Don’t forget about my Spring Productivity Program! Early-bird sign-ups close in just one week. Make more time this spring and make sure you stay on task and get your work done. Spring productivity course topics include:
- Professional Development Planning and Self-Evaluation
- Student Assessment
- Students with Special Needs
- Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Writing Reports
- Planning Your Summer

Waldorf Teacher Training Resources
- AWSNA Waldorf Teacher Preparation Programs
- AWSNA Careers in Waldorf Education
- WECAN Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher Training
Training Institutes
I do not have experience with all of the training institutions, so I can’t comment on them, but the list below is a selection of the trainings I hear the most about in my interactions with other Waldorf teachers.
I am starting at the Micha-el Imstitute soon. Is this a good choice?