How much screen time is okay?
What about educational shows?
Is it really that bad?
Will the Waldorf police come after me?
Making decisions about media use for your children is one of the most charged issues in Waldorf Education. There are so many shoulds that parents can feel completely unsupported in their decisions. That’s what this episode is all about.
This episode is being brought to you by my new course The Practical Art of the Waldorf Classroom. My Summer Productivity Course is winding down and I’m getting ready to lead a new group through a whole new set of topics all about the tasks Waldorf teachers need to think about while they’re in the classroom. Topics for my Practical Art course include:
- Rhythms and Routines
- Classroom Management, part 1 — engagement
- Classroom Management, part 2 — discipline
- Imagination in the Classroom
- Working with Parents
- Working with Students
You can also sign up for my free classroom management workshop, which goes live September 10. Just put y0ur email address below and you’ll be on the notification list.

Resources in this Episode

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