Getting connected with a good mentor can really make or break your experience and success as a Waldorf teacher. I had a couple of fantastic mentors early in my career and it made all the difference. I attribute those early mentoring years to my continued success. This episode is all about how to connect with a mentor and make the most of the experience.

Do you have a mentor to support your teaching? A lot goes into making those mentoring relationships successful and there are things you can do to make the most of it. I really want to talk today about what makes a good mentoring relationship, how much teachers should tap into their mentor as a resource, and how a mentor needs to be very clear about his or her role.
This episode is being brought to you by my new course, The Practical Art of the Waldorf Classroom. Enrollment is currently open for this course, but only for a few more days.
If you’re interested in the course, take a look at the information page and let me know. Registration closes February 15, but if you need more time to get approval for the funds from your school, let me know and I’ll work with you. I’d love to see you in this course.
Just head over to to sign up for the workshop.
Here is the content of the course:
- Rhythms and Routines
- Classroom management
- Imagination in the classroom
- Working with parents
- Working with students
The course begins on February 16th and you can get more information by going to
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