This week we’re talking about feedback and record-keeping for Waldorf teachers. We’ll explore the different types of feedback you need to give and who you need to consider when putting together your feedback plan.
This episode is being brought to you by my course, Feedback and Record-Keeping for Waldorf Teachers. I’ve offered this course in the past, but it’s been updated and brought over to my own platform so it’s more available.
I strongly believe that providing feedback and keeping parents, students and administration updated on student progress is a place where Waldorf teachers have fallen short in the past. We want our students to feel good about their work and not have to face criticism. But monitoring progress and having those sometimes difficult conversations helps us keep our teaching relevant and can help inspire confidence in parents and administrators.
This course walks you through a process for providing feedback in a way that is age-appropriate so it will inspire your students to achieve and let them know that their work matters. With audio and written content and 8 lessons pertaining to the different types of feedback you’ll provide, I’ll talk you through the process. And the course includes all the templates you’ll need, wherever you are on the journey.
You can sign up for the course at

Tracking student progress is something Waldorf teachers don’t do enough and it’s actually a place we could take a cue from our public school counterparts. If we want to be respected as the professionals and authorities we are when it comes to children’s development, we need to take it seriously and be responsible about tracking that information and reporting it to parents, students and school administration.
People who need to be considered in your record-keeping plan:
- students
- parents
- administration
- yourself
If this feels overwhelming and you don’t like the administrative aspects of this work, consider signing up for my record-keeping course. You’ll get guidance through all of the record-keeping requirements of this work, and templates that will help it all come together.

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