Many of us are teaching in ways we never expected before and it’s pushing us far beyond our comfort zones. We miss working with our students in person, but the news isn’t all bad. I, for one, have been amazed at how much learning and connection is actually happening in our distance learning arrangement.
In this episode we’ll talk all about distance learning, some things I’ve learned and how you can make the most of this medium.

This episode is being brought to you by my free workshop, the 3 classroom management strategies every waldorf teacher needs to know, which is being released the week this episode goes liv
I’m really excited to offer this workshop because I think it is something that isn’t talked about enough in our training courses and it is exactly what Waldorf teachers need to be thinking about right now.
Just head over to to sign up for the workshop.
Also, registration opens soon for my new course, The Practical Art of the Waldorf Classroom. In this course we’ll talk about some big topics that should be on your mind during the school year.
- Rhythms and Routines
- Classroom management
- Imagination in the classroom
- Working with parents
- Working with students
Content Outline
- Where we’ve been and where we are now
- Student engagement
- Assessment and feedback
- Self-Care
Links to Things Mentioned
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